“A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.”

Dalai Lama

We believe that a non-profit organisation that is accountable and transparent is more likely to act with integrity and learn from it’s mistakes because stakeholders: employees, clients and donors need to have confidence that the organisation is trustworthy.

Generally speaking, organisations that follow best practices in transparent governance are less likely to engage in unethical or irresponsible behaviours.

Kreston Reeves

Kreston Reeves’ guest speaker in their latest Charity Seminar, Mike Ashley, Charity Commission for England and Wales, spoke about the importance of trust in the sector and highlighted the need for more transparency about where the money raised by charities goes, rated 8.8 by the public.

Scott Harrison: Founders Pledge

40 percent of Americans don’t trust charity. So when Scott Harrison set out to solve the water crisis, he decided to take ‘radical transparency’ to the next level, using technology, social media, and beautiful storytelling.

About Scott Harrison:
Scott Harrison is Founder and CEO of charity: water, a water aid charity bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. In ten years, with the help of more than one million donors worldwide, charity: water has raised over $225 million and funded over 21,000 water projects in 24 countries.

About Founders Pledge:
Founders Pledge is a global community of founders and investors who’ve committed to donate a small percentage of their personal proceeds to social causes post-exit. We host regular events connecting the worlds best entrepreneurs to social thought leaders, exploring the most pressing topics at the intersection of technology and philanthropy.


The follow to Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, is Giving Tuesday. An in Colorado a week later is Colorado Give Day. The “give” days are to encourage donation to non-profits and charities. It is good thing to do, but it is also wise to do some research about organizations you are considering for a donation.

What is a Transparent High Impact Charity?

Brian Ka Chan

Some charities have complicated structures that make it hard to track the money from source to impact, others have complicated methods of measuring impact and some try to squeeze so much money through the pipeline that they miss out on key technological advancements that could help them become even more effective.

How Charities Work


NVCO champions the voluntary sector and volunteering because they’re essential for a better society.

The way charities work is subject to strict rules. The UK Charity Commission and other regulators make sure that charities follow high standards.

How Do We Rate Charities

Charity Navigator

Transparency is an obligation or willingness by a charity to publish and make available critical data about the organization.