Welcome to the International Site
Institute of Professional Meditation Teachers Inc.
A Global Alliance of Maharishi Professionals Organisations
and Transcendental Meditation Teachers
Learn More About Us
We are a professional association set up to advocate for professional standards within the many services created by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. We are not a teaching organisation for Transcendental Meditation.
A major priority of the IPMT is curating management & communications training resources and other professional development courses, aimed at complementing and enriching the work of Transcendental Meditation teachers & other Maharishi Professionals.
In some countries we are also registering as a union, allowing us to promote the best practices in employment relations for Transcendental Meditation teachers and other Maharishi Professionals.
Statement of Principles
The IPMT calls for implementation of the following principles throughout the global Transcendental Meditation organisation / Global Country of World Peace. These are standard, uncontroversial principles upheld by major charitable organisations around the world.
- Financial transparency
- A written code of ethics
- Whistleblower protections
- Skills-based recruitment procedures
- Board oversight of executive leadership
- Continuous improvement (TQM)
Interested ?
Ayurveda is an associated modality to the practice of Transcendental Meditation, and so we are creating a dedicated section for this essential technology.
Contact Us
Contact us if you want to know more about our work, or if you want to establish your own local chapter in your own country.