June 2021
Membership Report
Our membership from around the world continues to grow, with interest coming from most continents.
Our presence on Facebook has provided us an opportunity for many teachers who for their own eprsonalr easons, found the currnt governance of the TMO not to their liking. We hope they can see that the orinciples of IPMT will bring some change and reform, that will bring greater success to the expansion of Maharishi’s knowledge.
New Zealand
After being told that TM teachers in New Zealand could not be a part of IPMT, we are glad to get the news that at least one teacher has been informed that his membership of MFI is not invalidated by being a member of IPMT.
This was after it was pointed out that such action was illegal, and not in any way against any of the MFI Rules.
Membership is growing in the UK, with regular meetings amongst members, to help develop a path ahead to bring reform.
Philippe Chauvancy is doing sterling work to bring order to the movement in Russia. He has highlighted a number of signficant issues, and now helped to establish the only legal organisation representing Maharishi’s knowledge in Russia.